The Center for Ethnomusicology Presents a Collooquium with:
Giovanni Giuriati
(Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Facoltà di Lettere of the Università di Roma “La Sapienza,” and the Director of the Intercultural Institute for Comparative Music Studies, Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice.)
Thursday March 29, 2018
701C Dodge Hall (Columbia U. Morningside Campus at 116th St. and Broadway)
Free and Open to the Public
Reception to Follow
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Prof. Giuriati's talk will address the peculiar process of change of one of the most well-known Italian tarantella, that of Montemarano, which has been the object of study for a number of ethnomusicologists and folklorists including Alan Lomax. Among the peculiarities of this tarantella is the fact that it is played by a clarinet, together with accordion and frame drum. The use of clarinet in Montemarano can be traced back to a local musician, ‘Mbrusino, at the end of the 1930s. Through this case-study the talk will discuss the role of individuals in the creative process of music of oral tradition, the relationship between “art” and “folk” music, patterns of change that are peculiar of Italian folk music, and a peculiar twist (or paradox) that makes one of the most known repertories of Italian folk music derive from a tune by Liszt, who, in turn, seems to have taken it from Hungarian folk (or gipsy) music. However, this does not prevent the tarantella di Montemarano to take an entirely new life of its own in the ensuing decades.
Speaker Biography:
Giovanni Giuriati (Ph.D. University of Maryland)
is Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Facoltà di Lettere of the Università di
Roma “La Sapienza,” and the Director
of the Intercultural Institute for Comparative Music Studies, Fondazione
Giorgio Cini in Venice. Giuriati has been a member of the Scientific committee
of the Archivi di etnomusicologia of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, Secretary
General (2002-2005) and President of the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology
(2005-2008). Since December 2017 Giuriati is President of
the ADUIM (Associazione Docenti Universitari Italiani di Musica). Giuriati has researched and published
extensively on the traditional music of Cambodia and Indonesia, and on the
instrumental music and the relationship between music and festivals in
Campania, Italy. His latest publications include: Perspectives on a 21st Century Comparative Musicology:
Ethnomusicology of Transcultural Musicology?, co-edited with Francesco Giannattasio, Mascarà, mascara me n’a fatto
‘nnamurà. Le tarantelle e i canti di
Montemarano (with
Luigi D’Agnese), Alcune
questioni centrali nel dibattito etnomusicologico contemporaneo: una
prospettiva dall’Italia (Il Saggiatore Musicale).