The Center for Ethnomusicology congratulates ethnomusicology graduate program alumnus
Tyler Bickford (PhD, 2011, With Distinction), who has been appointed as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English (in Children's Literature and Childhood Studies) at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Bickford has been a Core Lecturer teaching Contemporary Civilization at Columbia since 2011, and was awarded the Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching (Columbia's highest honor for a graduate student instructor). He is also a past winner of the Lise Waxler Prize (SEM) and the Hewitt Pataleoni Prize (MACSEM).
Dr. Bickford's Columbia ethnomusicology dissertation, entitled "Children's Music, MP3 Players, and Expressive Practices at a Vermont Elementary
School: Media Consumption as Social Organization among Schoolchildren
," is an ethnographic study of the media ecology of K–8 schoolchildren at a
small, rural, public school in New England.
You can read an article about Dr. Bickford in the Columbia Spectator
here. Dr. Bickford's personal website (with several of his publications) is